What is Intuitive Eating?
Intuitive Eating (IE) is a dynamic integration of mind body and spirit. It is the way God designed us to eat and live. We gain attunement with our bodies and the Holy Spirit and we make lifestyle choices based on the signals we receive. Sounds pretty simple right? That is because eating really should be simple! God didn’t intend for eating to be as confusing as our culture has made it. Intuitive Eating helped me let go of diet culture and trust my innate ability to eat and move in a way that works best for me. This has made me able and available to focus on my true purpose; loving God and Loving people.
The 10 Principles of Intuitive Eating Include:
Principle One: Reject the Diet Mentality
Throw out the idea that you need to be a certain weight or look a certain way. This idea is worldly wisdom that is not backed by science or the Word of God. And it brings no value to our lives. Learn More
Principle Two: Honor Your Hunger
Just as you respond to cues from your body to go to the bathroom respond to your hunger cues. Our bodies were designed to regulate our food intake based on our energy and nutrient needs. Learn to trust your internal regulation and eat when you are hungry. No more tricks to hold off your hunger. Learn More
Principle Three: Make Peace with Food
Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. This means that all foods are acceptable and allowed. There are no good or bad foods. Nothing is off limits and your food choices do not have the ability to make you a good or bad person. Learn More
Principle Four: Challenge the Food Police
Stand up to the voices in your head, media messages, and the people around you who perpetuate diet culture. Decide to call out food laws for the lies they are! Don’t believe comments like, “You shouldn’t eat that”, “You should eat this”, “You don’t deserve to eat those”, “it’s too late to eat.” etc. Learn More
Principle Five: Feel Your Fullness
Pay attention to your body while you’re eating. Pause and check in with yourself during a meal. Observe how your stomach feels. Learn what it feels like to be comfortably full. Explore how you feel when you’re overly stuffed and ask yourself which eating experience is more satisfying. Learn More
Principle Six: Discover the Satisfaction Factor
Eat in an environment that is comfortable. Eat the foods you truly desire with a spirit of gratitude. Eat mindfully; paying attention to flavors, textures, and temperatures. Discover what it feels like to be truly satisfied with a meal. Learn More
Principle Seven: Cope with Your Feelings Without Using Food
Build up a toolbox of many different coping strategies so that you are able to make a conscious decision about how you’re going to handle uncomfortable feelings. Know that it’s okay to use exercise to get out the physical energy of anxiety. Know that food is a short-term escape strategy that you may use. Know that you can sit with emotions and work them out through prayer, reflection, and meditation to see healing and transformation. Learn what coping strategies work for you. Learn More
Principle Eight: Respect Your Body
Accept the way God created you. God Knit you together in your mother’s womb. He specifically chose every detail of your body and designed you in His own image. He says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Know that we are not meant to look the same. Learn More
Principle Nine: Exercise to Feel the Difference
Make exercise a celebration of what your body can do. Practice joyful body movement because you feel better (sleep better, deal with stress better, find activities easier) when you do. Recognize that the purpose of body movement is not to change your body shape or size. Learn More
Principle Ten: Honor Your Health with Gentle Nutrition
Make food decisions based on taste and nutrition. Choose foods that you enjoy all around. Foods that bring joy and comfort to your life and also foods that help you feel mentally and physically well. All of the food you eat does not have to be packed with nutrition in order to have a healthy body.
3 Easy Strategies to Get Started for Christian Women
IE Tip #1: Start in the Word and Stay in the Word
The number one, most important thing you can do to become an intuitive eater is to know who you are in Christ and the purpose He created you for. When we focus in on these things and actually accept those truths as true for us personally we experience a transformation of our hearts and a renewal of our mind that allows us to let go of diet culture and embrace a life free from the bondage of worldly expectations. Learn More
IE Tip #2: Lose Your Judgey Pants
There is no place for judging yourself in this process. Instead think of yourself as a scientist; a neutral observer, as you begin to implement the principles. You can not fail at IE. Rather, you learn from experiences and your IE practice matures over time. Accept the free gift of grace!
IE Tip #3: Surround Yourself with Supportive Information
Decide that you are going to learn everything you can about Gods’ word, Intuitive Eating, Body Positivity, and Health at Every Size. Subscribe to blogs and podcasts, read books and articles, follow social media accounts, watch videos, and join support groups. Dig into the truth so you have no time to believe the lies! Get started with my Intuitive Eating Bible Study! Grab it below!