Wellness transformation requires that we break free from the patterns and priorities of this world and slowly reshape our minds. It involves transforming how we think, what we want, and how we live to be more in line with the Biblical perspective of health and wellness. In order to experience wellness transformation, we must be willing to challenge our cultural beliefs and open ourselves up to transformation from the inside out.
“Do not be conformed to this age but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.” Romans 12:2
Notice that the verse says to BE transformed not to DO transformation. We cannot change ourselves. Rather, God changes us through the renewing of our minds. This process happens little by little as we choose to show up, dig into His Word, and walk in relationship with Him. My prayer is that this post will give you a clear picture of what it looks like to allow yourself to be transformed.
5 Necessities for Wellness Transformation
“We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is in the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:18
Breaking this verse down we learn 5 things about transformation.
1. Wellness transformation happens when we have unveiled faces.
The Greek word used for face in this passage is prosopon. One of the definitions of prosopon is “the index of the inward thoughts and feelings”. We’re being told that transformation comes when we unveil our inward thoughts and feelings.
2. Wellness transformation happens when we behold the glory of God.
We behold the glory of God by listening to His voice (in His word) as he reveals to us the way things really are, His truth. Beholding the glory of God requires that we search the scriptures, as they all bear witness to the glory of Christ (John 5:39).
3.The goal of wellness transformation is to be more like Christ.
The Greek word used for image in this passage is eikon, which means an image of heavenly things. It is used to explain the moral likeness the Son of God, into which all true Christians are transformed. It is the likeness not only to the heavenly body, but also to the most holy and blessed state of mind, which Christ possesses. Let me shout that again for those of you in the back. THE GOAL OF WELLNESS TRANSFORMATION IS TO BE MORE LIKE CHRIST.
4.Wellness transformation happens from glory to glory.
This change does not happen overnight, rather is happens one success at a time. We experience little, baby victories that grow into bigger victories. Our hearts and souls are reshaped and realigned with our creator overtime, from one praise to the next. Then other areas of our lives transform before us.
5. The power for our transformation comes from the Holy Spirit.
We do not transform ourselves through our own works and willpower. The transformation happens on His timeline, according to His will, by his power. Our job is to show up and say yes to His leading.
Mindfulness and Wellness Transformation
Mindfulness is a tool we can use to show up and say yes to the Holy Spirit. Through mindfulness we are able to unveil our true thoughts and emotions, listen to God’s voice, keep the truths of scripture in our minds and allow the Holy Spirit to transform us one victory at a time.
Mindfulness is Biblical and Backed by Science
Mindfulness is a Biblical practice, and its efficacy as a tool for wellness transformation is supported in science. Research in neuroimaging has shown us that our brains are physically changed through mindfulness practice. Neuroimages show cortical thickening (the growth of new neurons in response to repeated practice) in areas of the brain that are activated by mindfulness practice.
Mindfulness is Thinking On Purpose
When we are thinking we are strengthening neural pathways in our brains, we are practicing thinking that way, and what we practice grows stronger. By unveiling our thoughts and emotions while beholding the glory of God, we’re able to observe them graciously, challenge them, break free from the thoughts that aren’t serving us and meditate on the ones that are.
Your thoughts are growing and strengthening neural pathways in your brain every moment. Just like a dancer practices their movements over and over until their body moves through the motions without much conscious thought, you are practicing thought patterns until you just move through them without much conscious thought. You are growing something every moment. What do you want to grow: fear, anxiety, and body hate, OR love, truth, acceptance, and wholeness?
Your Next Steps
If you’ve made it this far, I know the Holy Spirit is calling you to be transformed. So, I’ve created a free mindfulness tool for you. If you’re ready to experience true wellness transformation (the kind that starts in your soul and move out to your body) grab access to my guided Christian mindfulness meditation video below and say yes to transformation.