by Char-Lee | Dec 7, 2018 | General
I recently had the opportunity to chat with Christine Hebert about the morality of health and Biblical self-care as a guest on the Eating With Grace Podcast. We dove deep into this tricky topic and discussed how caring for ourselves is essential to the Christian life...
by Char-Lee | Nov 19, 2018 | General
Our minds take hold of the thoughts that regularly enter our minds and we find them returning again and again. We often take those thoughts and create stories around them. If you have struggled with food and body image, you know these thoughts. A simple look in the...
by Char-Lee | Nov 12, 2018 | Faith, General, Intuitive Eating
I will be the first to admit that I love the Holiday season! I so enjoy the cozy time indoors with loved ones. My heart is so full when I walk the local Turkey Bowl with my family on Thanksgiving. I tear up during our Thanksgiving prayer. I adore Christmas Eve Service...
by Char-Lee | Nov 5, 2018 | General
What is Intuitive Eating? Intuitive Eating (IE) is a dynamic integration of mind body and spirit. It is the way God designed us to eat and live. We gain attunement with our bodies and the Holy Spirit and we make lifestyle choices based on the signals we...
by Char-Lee | Oct 16, 2018 | Faith, Health and Fitness, Intuitive Eating, Wellness
The third principle of Intuitive Eating is Make Peace with food which means giving yourself unconditional permission to eat. The goal is to eat the foods you truly desire with attunement to your body. Making food choices should be done without placing judgment on...