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I help women stop body obsessing so they can live out their purpose.


You want to feel confident in your skin.

You’re tired of fighting to like your body.

You have spent so much time, energy, and money trying to change it.

You’re missing out on life because you’re busy obsessing about your next meal.

You Know God created you for more.

You’re ready to find release from the pressure.

You’re ready to be present, love others, and enjoy your life!

You’re ready to live your best life.

You’re passionate about your purpose.

You’re bold enough to pursue it.

You’re done letting body anxiety keep you from it!

You’re brave enough to try something new.

You’re ready to reset.

You’re in the right place.

Get Coaching!

Nutrition Therapy for Eating Disorders

 Intuitive Eating Coaching

Faith-based Nutrition Services

Email Address

Call Me

(484) 798-0011

Visit Me

45 S Pine Street
Elverson, PA 19520

“Char-Lee is fantastic! She is so relatable and easy to understand when teaching! I have always felt comfortable sharing my struggles with her. I just attended A Mindful Meal and learned so much! I am excited to dig deeper in the description that Char-Lee pointed out to us tonight!”

– Breanna Brubaker

“When I first met Char-Lee I was thinking to myself, great another dietitian who is going to tell me what I should & shouldn’t eat & I need to get out & exercise more, be all judgmental like. Well, I can tell you I’ve had it all wrong, after meeting Char-Lee & getting to know her she is so warm and compassionate. I feel no judgment from her at all. You can really see her love of God & her passion for helping women who struggle with unhealthy relationships with food & negative body image. Char-Lee is very knowledgeable & professional. I’m very comfortable talking with her & sharing with her my struggles. She also rejoices with me in my accomplishments. I would highly recommend her.”

– Marijo Sacks

“I attended Char-Lee’s Mindful Eating class and I loved how Christ was at the center of the whole experience. She gave us some great tools and techniques to slow down and be mindful and intentional when we eat. As someone who always eats on the go or multi-tasks while eating I realized how mindless eating had become for me. During the workshop, we got to practice mindful eating on fabulous food provided by Morgantown Coffee House. It was a great workshop and look forward to more events from Char-Lee!”

– Lori Metz Spahr

“Just attended her Mindful Eating Class this past Thursday. Such a thoughtful course, beautiful food and fun atmosphere. I was perhaps the most taken with how emotional I felt over the simple spiritual act of gratefulness. Thank you, Char-Lee!”

– Shannon DuBois Sawatsky

“Working with Char-Lee and learning about intuitive eating over the past 6 months has truly been a blessing in my life. I have gained insight and knowledge beyond what I could have imagined. I have gained a new freedom from my past where restriction and dieting held me captive. There is so much freedom in living this out in my day to day activities. I am not bound by the rules the diet culture would have me abide by. I can make choices and decisions based on my mind and body. Char-Lee has been an encourager, cheerleader, advice giver, and supporter. This will be a change that will last for a lifetime!”

– Cheryl Shaffer

“LIFE CHANGING!!! That is not an exaggeration or hyperbole. Working with Char-Lee has been one of the greatest blessings in my life. Before I even truly understood I had an eating disorder, I just knew I was tormented daily with food obsession, dieting, restricting and compulsive binge eating. I felt so lost and out of control, consumed with guilt and shame. Fear ruled my life. I thought I was being healthy! Following all the right rules and exercising like crazy to keep my body “fit” but I was never satisfied, I never could look in the mirror and say ok you’re ok. 

It consumed me. Then I found Char-Lee’s podcast and God took me on this amazing journey with her… as soon as I heard her story, it was mine! Her love and honesty is so beautiful. She helped open my eyes to the lies I was believing about myself and what real health was. I heard her path to healing and I so desperately wanted to believe and have the peace and freedom she described. At first it seemed so far away and unattainable but with her gentle guidance and amazing, God-given wisdom, as well as her knowledge of our bodies and mind, she encouraged me and revealed to me freedom from this prison of dieting and body shame. I am now experiencing the freedom I so desperately yearned for. Each week I gain new insights and truths and even the hard days, because, yeah, they still come, are never as hard as they were before I started this journey with her. My whole life has changed because my heart has changed. She has laughed with me and cried with me and blessed beyond measure!”
– Tara Rothwell 

Groups and Speaking Engagements

Let’s hangout!


We’ll spend a few hours learning together as I guide you through personal and group activities. Great for corporate wellness initiatives and church small groups!

FREE Discovery call

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Want to dive in deep? We’ll spend a day or few walking through Biblical health and wellness and the intuitive eating principles. Together, we’ll implement what we’ve learned through various workshops! I’m smelling a retreat!

FREE Discovery call

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Want to share the empowerment? I’ll present Information on biblical health and wellness, intuitive eating, and body movement. Together, we’ll share freedom!

FREE Discovery call

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I Help You Reset.

To eat and move the way God created you to. So you can focus on your purpose. I’ll help you reconnect with your body and develop a healthy mindset. Together we’ll embrace wholeness; biblical health and wellness. You’ll develop a set of skills that will completely change your experience in your body. This lasting change will get you to a place where you can be present, love others, and enjoy the life God has for you!

Learn With Me

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